Bridges help us move forward despite natural or technogenic obstacles. With the earliest known bridges being fallen trees and stepping stones, we’ve a long way – today they please the eye with a broad variety of engineering solutions and designs. Yet architects keep surprising us with new ideas and implementations of most unusual projects.
Humanity is more and more concerned about the amount of waste that leads to pollution of our habitat. With the advance of technology and science new long-lasting materials hit the world’s markets leaving the planet with a heap of waste: both from production and household use. Progressive thinking designers are in search of ways to turn waste into raw materials for new items.
We think of our homes as of an extention of who we are, and try to fill the space we live in with objects that define or complement us. The todays market of design products offers a broad spectrum of options for almost every item we might need at home. Let us have a look at some of the creations that could deserve a place at your universum.
A child’s formal education typically starts in a kindergarten or a nursery school. For generations most of these institutions of primary education have been placed into quite boring standardized buildings. At least from the outside, as on the inside each of them contains the children’s colorful and bright universe. Luckily, architects and designers of today seem to have initiated a wave of changes, developing ever more favorable environments for the new generation.
Literature is inspiring in many ways. World masterpieces have been stirring imagination and exciting inspiration in countless artists for centuries. Today, we will reveal another way for book lovers to proclaim their love – through masterly crafted jewelry pieces.
Lamps are a key component of a comprehensive and well-integrated interior style. They complete the interior bringing the light to just the right places of the space. Simplistic and almost invisible or extravagant and voluminous, lamps may be artworks for everyday use – just choose yours.
Museums seem to be living through a new renaissance phase. They no longer are a place for school outings or a recreational rescue on a rainy day – today, architects and designers create new museum buildings that are visit-worthy on their own, and make the existing museums newly attractive through well planned and artistically produced extensions.
Private or public, swimming pools have become an important part of many people’s lives. When we were kids, a simple backyard or hotel pool was as exciting as it could be, but as grown-ups we need more – and thanks to technology advances, designers and architects can get as excited about pools as we used to be.
Retail design was born in the middle of the 19th century, and has reached its heights in the 21st. Each brand seeks to be distinguished by not only its products, but the retail space it offers them at as well. The aim is to provide a bespoke, satisfying, comfortable and enjoyable shopping experience to customers.
Each time you surf online, check your emails, ask your Alexa a question, pieces of data may be collected by big data analysis technologies to gain access to certain aspects of you private and professional life. Basic software installed on your devices does help quite a bit but let us see where designers could bring us with their cybersecurity ideas.