Children born between 2010 and 2025, known as Generation Alpha, will grow up never having known a world without digital devices. Aiming to enrich their experience of technology and simultaneously help them develop a healthier relationship with it, product designers create toys that combine the physical and the digital world.
Because of its rich patterns and colors, stained glass always creates stunning effects, whether indoors or outdoors. As sunlight filters through polychromatic glass, colour shades can grow and shrink as colors overlap, creating impressive patterns and halos. The resulting manmade rainbow can reshape and transform the space filling hearts with joy and fostering creativity.
Indoor gardening is a growing trend in urban areas that has seen an explosive growth during the pandemic. Not everyone has a patio to cultivate their own herbs and vegetables, so more and more city dwellers choose indoor gardening systems that bring the produce into the home together with an array of benefits for their health, wallet and the future of the planet. If you have the inclination to grow your own greens and get the satisfaction of successfully harvesting your own food, there are many solutions available today.
Most consumer electronics today has sleek machinable surfaces with plastic as the main material. Modern product designers question the materials used for home appliances for our daily lives, combining craft and technology. Utilizing craft techniques and natural textures, they create products with added value that can be handed down to the next generations.
Playgrounds offer many benefits that go far beyond giving kids something fun to do. Children are constantly learning through play—making new friends, sharing, taking turns and interacting with other children. Providing children with an opportunity to practice their physical, cognitive and social skills, playgrounds can even grow to be the heart of community.
Did you know that an average user unlocks their phone upwards of 110 times per day? With this post we continue our exploration of designer objects that urge users to direct their attention away from their gadgets and towards more worthwhile activities, like enjoying a moment of self-reflection at home or in the big outdoors.
Smartphone addiction has grown to be a global problem, and more and more people everyday are willing to reduce the impact phones have on them. However, it often turns out to be harder than expected, as we are overwhelmed by fear of missing out once we have to separate from our beloved gadgets. Product designers come to rescue developing ingenuous ways of taking a break from constant exposure to content.
Marble is a material that is normally associated with something extremely hard, rigid and solid. Definitely not the best medium for delicate and lightweight objects. However, designers featured in our post attempted to highlight the natural material’s characteristics, while showcasing the possibilities of working with the stone on different scales.
Traditional Christian churches typically have a rectangular floor plan and are made up of a nave – the central part of the church – and an apse – the semicircular or polygonal area at the end of the aisle, usually located behind the altar. Disrupting this typology, churches with a circular shape possess a unique character, their shape standing as a religious symbol of heaven and eternity.
Churches of the past often had a grandiose stunning architecture. Contemporary religious structures, however, do not have that dominant identity, with architects finding more unexpected and minilmalist ways to express spirituality.