The history of a fireplace dates back to the ancient times when humankind learned how to tame fire. Not limited to solely its utilitarian functions of cooking food and bringing heat, the fireplace has ever since been a dominant element of the interior. Even now, when our lives are dominated by the use of electric devices, watching an open fire evokes our genetic memory, bringing us closer to inner self while giving us a sense of protection and comfort.
Glass house remains an inspiration for architects ever since the era of industrialization when architecture became associated with steel and glass. Simultaneously solid and fragile, providing privacy and exposure, ornament-free but decorative, glass buildings offer the mirage blending into the colours and shapes of the surrounding landscape and extending far beyond the confines of their built structure.
Collapsible to a suitcase size, portable folding boats are compact enough to fit one or two in a car’s trunk, check it on a plane or slip it into the garage. Setting up your own floatation device only takes a few minutes, before water adventures can begin.
“Pool house” is a general term that serves to describe a building dedicated to provide everything might need for pool activities. It can be a place for the guests to change into swimwear or to store anything a person might need while enjoying the pool, from towels and beach toys to sunbeds. It can resemble a cabana, a shed with windows, a pool pavilion or even a smallish guesthouse. Celebrating the poolside lifestyle is what really matters for the pool house typology.
Once something firmly rooted to the ground, buildings are now becoming innovative moving entities that can rotate, swivel, revolve and even follow the sun. Putting a whole new spin on the world of architecture, these rotating houses could be a real catch for those who would fancy a different view out of their window every day.
Dating back to the 19th century, rocking horses have been a toy loved by children around the world through history, encouraging the little one’s coordination and balance skills. But who said a rocking horse has to look like an actual horse today? Modern designers think it is time to upgrade the century-old traditional design of this iconic toy, by giving the new generations of kids the taste of something slightly more contemporary.
With the current rate of urbanization, land in many major cities becomes limited and therefore expensive to buy. However, often an urban grid includes many under-utilized extra-small lots that could increase the supply of affordable housing for a diverse range of lifestyles, if approached in a creative way. Seeking to unlock the development potential of such tiny vacant sites, architects design functional and flexible skinny houses that overcome the constraints of the small plots of land they are built on.
One of the oldest building materials known to man, bricks are perceived today in a new light. Architects take this humble and eco-friendly material to create a new contemporary aesthetics. Visually, intricate brickwork produces an ever-changing geometric pattern of light and shadow on the walls and floors. Simultaneously, perforated brick façades make the building more sustainable and energy-efficient, as they allow air flow in and out to regulate temperature within the home keeping harsh sunlight, noise and dust from entering the living spaces.
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The ski chalet is an architectural typology seemingly untouched by time – and for good reason. Originally little more than simple converted barns, these archetypal structures feature gabled roofs to keep the right amount of insulating snow on roofs, while their interiors are kept minimal to be easily transformed for people or supplies. Certain features, like wood finishing or a fireplace seem to be integral parts of the typology. However, modern architects do their best to take the traditional alpine lodge into the new era blending elements of many architectural styles to create something that is uniquely contemporary.
Over time, buildings often stray from their original programs and develop lives of their own. It is only natural, that garage conversions abound in areas where real estate is expensive. Plus, reuse, preservation, and renovation of the existing building instead of demolition and rebuilding a new house seems to be the most sustainable approach to architecture.