Natural world is a constant inspiration for architects. A honeycomb design with its perfectly symmetrical hexagonal pattern is appealing to most people thanks to the associations with the sweetness of honey and happy buzz of Nature. Architects use its crystallized yet organic appearance to create iconic façades for the buildings, no matter what their application is.
Timber siding has been a favourite covering for houses over centuries. Similar in applications to other cladding materials, like metal or brick, wood is nevertheless drastically different, for it once was a living thing. Cedar boards and shingles will age beautifully with years, taking on an elegant gray patina, obtaining nicks and scratches, and architects use them to create a pleasing harmony with a surrounding landscape.
Many game creators have experimented with new look for a classic game of chess reimagining their traditional recognizable design. We have seen sets modelled after popular characters and mythical creatures, abstract shapes and famous buildings. These sets, however, demonstrate a modern approach to the timeless game, which makes them truly stand out.
The use of oriented strand board (OSB), a type of engineered timber featuring large wood strands that is made by compressing strips of wood in particular directions, has been listed as one of the rising interior design trends of 2020. Originally used in building construction as preliminary sheathing for floors, walls or roofs, the material has grown to be appreciated by designers and architects for its aesthetic qualities, random organic composure and recycled properties.
The pandemic has returned the spotlight to the soap thanks to the fact that it can disrupt the lipid membranes that protect pathogens with its natural surfactants. The resulting high demand for synthetic liquid soaps has led to burgeoning plastic waste, which forced product designers to think of more sustainable approaches to self-cleansing and looked at ways of encouraging the use of soap without the need for plastic packaging.
Constructed by people rather than formed by natural means, artificial islands may vary in size from small islets reclaimed solely to provide a new habitat for local fauna to those that support entire communities. We have selected a number of fantastic man-made islands projects designed to create new sustainable areas for business, recreation or preserving biodiversity.
Imagine a micro-home you can take away anywhere in the world. These cabins are prefabricated in a factory, which ensures they can be easily transported and erected in remote locations. No matter whether you want to use it as an isolated off-grid retreat to connect with nature or use it as a garden office, these designs help minimize damage to the site and speed up the construction.
Creative minds often turn to nature for innovative design solutions. We have collected some eye-catching buildings that were inspired by butterflies and managed to grasp the lightness and beauty of these ethereal creatures with their finest wings and intrinsic shape.
No winter wonderland is possible without snow. The idyllic picture of show-capped trees and shimmering snow dunes definitely adds to the festive mood in the holidays’ season. We have collected three stories about absolutely different but equally creative ways to celebrate snow.
Predictably, healthcare was on our minds this year – and coronavirus was not the only disease people had to combat. The coronavirus pandemic has led to many people missing their health screening appointments. That is probably why innovative products that help people test their health without having to leave home seem to be especially vital.