The pizza-making industry is a competitive one, and sometimes the box can be a distinguishing factor. Our selection will show that a well-designed pizza box does more than just transport your delicious flatbread from restaurant to doorstep.

John St for Boston Pizza
Advertising agency John St. with bases in Toronto and Montreal has designed “BP in Bed”, a limited-edition pizza box for Canada’s restaurant chain Boston Pizza. As it names suggests, the packaging can be easily transformed into a self-supporting table that lets the user eat pizza in bed as a nice complement to their favourite series binge-watching or watching sports.

John St for Boston Pizza
According to Paul Little, Creative Director at John St., packaging designers went through months of prototyping to ensure the makeshift dining table was both easy and safe to use. It had to be high enough to fit over a person’s legs and low enough to comfortably eat off of.

John St for Boston Pizza
To adhere to food and safety standards, BP in Bed is created entirely out of cardboard. Two flaps, one on the front and one on the back, fold inwards to become legs, as the box’s hinge gets locked in place, as described in the manual that comes with each package.

Ogilvy for Pizza Hut
As part of 12th Player Club campaign run by Pizza Hut to celebrate the new football season in Europe, advertising agency Ogilvy Hong Kong has created the Foosball Pizza Box that includes a fully playable foosball table integrated into the lid.

Ogilvy for Pizza Hut
Developed to encourage football fans who are stuck isolating at home to get into the football spirit, the project that brings together the football action and delicious pizza for a memorable meal experience that you can share with friends. The team hopes that an experience like found right in a pizza box will be the perfect way to make people smile.

Ki Saigon for Pizza 4P’s
Local creative agency Ki Saigon has collaborated with Vietnamese restaurant chain Pizza 4P’s to design pizza boxes as symbols of peace. The restaurant’s chefs Mr. Shotaro Hirukawa and Ms. Natsumi Kobayashi believe that ‘if ingredients can be together on a pizza, so can we on the planet’. Designing the boxes for their ‘peace pizzas’, inspired by countries of conflict, the designers have added three-dimensional flower patterns that pop up once the pizza box opens.

Ki Saigon for Pizza 4P’s
The idea behind the concept is to combine the flavors of countries in conflict, such as India and Pakistan, China and USA, Israel and Palestine, and make them live in harmony on a pizza. Similarly, the pop-up flowers on the pizza boxes represent colors and shapes featured in the mentioned countries’ flags.

Ki Saigon for Pizza 4P’s
All flowers were developed by artist Zac Beuhner and handmade by a family of local Vietnamese craftsmen and craftswomen. 250 additional boxes were displayed at a one-week long celebration at the restaurants’ marque venue. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the ‘peace pizzas’ went to the UN peacebuilding fund.