The humble bicycle has been in existence for roughly two centuries, and since the early 1900s not much was changed regarding its general outlines. However, these eccentric yet functional bicycles look lie a modern marvel of engineering and seem to belong to a future world.

Infinity by Stephan Henrich (also header image)
Stuttgart-based designer Stephan Henrich has conceptualized an out-of-this-world bicycle that would perfectly suitable for a sci-fi movie. The all-wheel-drive vehicle sets into motion with the help of a monotyre-clip chain system, which automatically forms a temporary rim in the wheel sections, as well as a dented belt drive in the interior groove.

Infinity by Stephan Henrich
The monotyre is powered via the central wheel as the crank generates the force required to churn the wheels. The smart design’s name Infinity is obviously derived from its shape.
The design features an 8-speed gearbox. Independent suspension systems on the front and the rear make the design well-suited for traversing uneven terrains and roads.

Who said wheels have to be round? by Sergii Gordieiev
Following the triumph of his previous bike designs, which included such out-of-the-box designs as the square-wheeled bike, engineer and content creator Sergii Gordieiev (also known as The Q) has come up with an unorthodox bike with triangular wheels. Though this concept may initially appear improbable or potentially uncomfortable to ride, the bicycle is operated in a traditional manner and can roll as smoothly as conventional round-wheeled bikes.

Who said wheels have to be round? by Sergii Gordieiev
The secret is in a set of arms and rollers for each wheel, which was specially engineered by The Q. This enables the triangular wheels’ centers to move in a linear fashion. The design comprises a formation of parallel lines between each roller and the flat ground surface.
Through a clever combination of subtle curvatures on each side of the wheels and the implementation of articulating arms with built-in limiters, Gordieiev has created a bike that can be ridden with minimal vertical movements.

Pogo bicycle by Cranmer and Vinny Mannino
Bicycle motocross riders Scotty Cranmer and Vinny Mannino have come even further. With the help of their team, they designed a bike that combines a pogo stick and a bicycle into a single frame without wheels.

Pogo bicycle by Cranmer and Vinny Mannino
For that, they stripped off a BMX bike off its wheels and replaced the bike chains with a pair of immovable steel footrests where the rider can exert their leg and thigh force so they can make the vehicle bounce. After that, they fixed up a fork steer tube into the bike’s front and a hinge system onto the spring to offer unlimited bouncing. They also welded bars onto the bike frame connecting their spring system with a rear axle that tightens.
The result is a vehicle that lets the rider leap in the air, back to the ground, then recoil off the land again at a continuous pace.