As many people these days do not have possibility to head to the gym, regular working out at home looks like an ideal scenario to partake in regular activity and keep fit. Cleverly designed fitness solutions help bring fitness to your everyday life and save space in a small home or apartment being as decorative as it is functional.

No, Sweat! workspace/workout furniture by Darryl Agawin (via design-milk; also header image)
Vancouver-based designer Darryl Agawin has come up with an idea to combine exercise equipment with workspace furniture. His No, Sweat! set includes three basic pieces that let the user do hundreds of exercises wherever deskwork is done, be it a home or even a company office, without having to fit a visit to a gym in their busy schedule.

No, Sweat! workspace/workout furniture by Darryl Agawin (via design-milk)
The set can easily make up for the exercise step, the balance board, the weight bar, the skip rope and the kettle bell, while its dynamic aesthetic has a slightly 80’s design feel.

Multifunctional fitness furniture by The Habit Furniture
If space limitations is not the only problem you have choosing your sports equipment, then it must be the fact that most of the exercise equipment available on the market normally does not look appealing enough to be displayed in the interior. The Habit Furniture, a group of Hong Kong based designers, has developed a set of multifunctional fitness furniture, which no one would ever suspect of being in fact workout equipment.

Multifunctional fitness furniture by The Habit Furniture
The set comprises a space-saving wooden bench that doubles up as a coffee table and two dumbbells stowed away under the bench that can serve as side tables or stools when not being used as weights.

Multifunctional fitness furniture by The Habit Furniture
When used as a bench, the piece features a charcoal grey vinyl cushion which makes it easy to clean and comfortable for working out. When not in use for sit-ups and V-ups, the bench can be flipped over and serve as a stylish coffee table with geometric openings.

Fuoripista by Adriano Design
Torino-based Adriano Design studio have developed Fuoripista, a unique and cutting edge cycling machine for the Italian manufacturer Elite. The studio led by brothers Davide and Gabriele Adriano have interpreted a fitness accessory in a new way, transforming it into an object of desire, which the user can use not only for riding but also for showing off. Unlike other cycling machines one usually has to keep hidden in the closet, this one gives a visual pleasure in every place it is displayed.

Fuoripista by Adriano Design
The Fuoripista evokes the slim profile of a bull from nearly every angles. Its handlebars bear resemblance to horns, while the centre beam of the bowlegged stance is angled downward. The machine is manufactured from wood, tempered glass, leather, and polished metal and features a built-in slot for a tablet to be mounted on its front, aimed to simulate “the most spectacular cycling routes in the world” and to record the rider’s vitals.
More gym equipment to work out with style here