Research shows that today, indoor pollution could reach the level that would trigger an air quality warning if found outside. While traditionally ‘pollution’ comes from the outdoors, it gets trapped in stale indoor air which can have negative impact on the respiratory health. An air purifier removes contaminants from a room’s air enhancing the reduce your exposure to air-born toxins and cutting down your household allergy load.

TAC by Junku Jung
Allergens, pesticides, dust, pet dander, dust mites, mildew, paint fumes, and second-hand smoke are just a few of the toxins that it can filter. However, air quality can vary significantly from place to place. Conceptualized by South Korean designer Junku Jung, TAC is an air purifier that can customize air cleaning to address the requirements of the user.

TAC by Junku Jung
The device features unique filters, each dedicated to a specific type of allergen or pollutant that can be stacked one on top of another. Flower allergy filter might be useful for those suffering from pollen allergies, while Smog filter is essential for urban dwellers. The user can choose and combine up to three filters out of the 7 options developed for different environments and place them at the top of the air purifier.

TAC by Junku Jung
The filters are brightly coloured, which together with the minimalist appearance of the gadget itself would make a nice addition to any contemporary interior.

AIReactor by EcoLogicStudio
Developed by London-based EcoLogicStudio, design innovation firm specialized in biotechnology for the built environment, AIReactor purifier uses the ability of algae to naturally convert carbon dioxide and pollutants into clean oxygen through photosynthesis.

AIReactor by EcoLogicStudio
An interlocking structure consisting of birch plywood components supports a 1 meter tall laboratory-grade glass photobioreactor hosting up to 10 liters of living photosynthetic microalgae cultures. Air is captured from the environment and introduced at the base of the reactor constantly stirring the medium, simulating the effects of waves and currents in the marine environment, which is essential for optimal algae growth. The gentle bubbling keeps the algae afloat, aids oxygenation and produces a soothing sound that emanates with the fresh oxygen from AIReactor into the surrounding space. Filtering out harmful pollutants and leaving behind cleaner air, the product has the same carbon capturing potential of a mature tree.

AIReactor by EcoLogicStudio
AIReactor is a completely reversible product, made of a few core elements that at the end of their useful life can be re-used, re-cycled or composted. The biomass generated by the algae after it has filtered the air becomes a valuable resource too. After harvesting, the algae biomass can be dried and then undergo further processing to produce biopolymers.
The purifier is suitable for the domestic use, as well as for the work and educational environments.

Briiv by Sean Sykes and James Whitfield (also header image)
Launched by Sean Sykes and James Whitfield back in 2020, Briiv is an eco-friendly purifier that simultaneously uses nature and technology to improve the quality of indoor air. Unlike most purifiers that use disposable HEPA filters, the 98% plastic-free Briiv purifier relies on layered compostable ones made of moss, coconut fiber, and a silk nanofiber matrix with activated carbon, which tackle pollutants ranging from pet dander and pollen to dirt, dust, smoke, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) caused during cooking.

Briiv by Sean Sykes and James Whitfield
Air makes its way through the top of the purifier, passing through the moss and coco fiber where pollen, pet fur, and dust get trapped and VOCs and odors get neutralized. The air then goes through a medical-grade 98% plastic-free silk nanofiber filter that catches the remaining particles, filtering up to PM2.5 or fine particulate matter. Purified air makes its way out of the bottom, where it gets spread in a 360° radius.

Briiv by Sean Sykes and James Whitfield
Briiv works exactly how a forest does to purify the atmosphere. In the nature, leaves help absorb harmful gases and carbon and catch dust, while soil purifies toxins. The device’s micro forest is able to purify a 16sqm room in just 21 minutes, which makes the it 6900% more effective than house plants at cleaning the air.

Briiv by Sean Sykes and James Whitfield
Apart from its direct functionality, Briiv also has the added benefit of looking like a gorgeous tabletop terrarium, unlike many conventional air purifiers.