Eating time should be an enjoyable experience – not only for humans but also for small and furry family members. Some pet owners might think that conventional flat bowls would be enough, but these handsome pet bowl designs utilize human creativity and craftsmanship to eliminate the stress of food spillage and offer a more pleasant and memorable experience for everyone at home.

Swelltone by Ena Metal Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Japanese company Ena Metal Manufacturing Co., Ltd. makes “ease of eating” the focus of the design of its beautiful pet bowl. Named Swelltone, the dinnerware consists of two parts.

Swelltone by Ena Metal Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
The base that serves as a pedestal for the actual bowl is finely crafted out of fine Japanese cypress wood. The bowl that holds food is manufactured using SUS304 stainless steel by the same craftsmen who create precision parts for automobiles and aircraft. Besides, it can tilt up to an angle of 20 degrees, which makes it easier for a pet to eat every bit of the food without spilling it. In its turn, this means the pet owner won’t have to clean up after their pets after each meal.

Swelltone by Ena Metal Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
When not in use, the sophisticated design can serve as a piece of minimalist decor offering a visual delight to humans and pets alike. Besides, pieces of dry food produce melodic tones when falling into the bowl, giving justification to its name.

Como Pet Table by Yongsik Kim (also header image)
South Korean designer Yongsik Kim was concerned with the drawbacks of commonly used materials such as steel and wood. As pet bowls and tables are frequently exposed to water, metal may corrode and wood rot. Therefore, Kim made up his mind to replace these with a 100% silicone composition – he discovered the potential of the material when looking at baby dishes, which are widely manufactured from silicone.

Como Pet Table by Yongsik Kim
Silicone boasts exceptional durability and hygienic qualities – it can even withstand heat sterilization. Besides, it has weight, which means it won’t slip on the floor. Even with friction from ceramic dishes, it doesn’t produce noise.

Como Pet Table by Yongsik Kim
To create a table with silicone, Kim had to design it in a massive form. Besides, to express the soft feel of silicone, the designer rounded off the edges of its pet table. This enables him to create a new form of pet table that hadn’t existed before.

TailTalk by Husky Design
The award-winning pet bowl by Guangzhou-based studio Husky Design has also been designed to address the problem of food spillage. Named TailTalk, the innovative multifunctional dinnerware serves the purpose of holding both dry and wet foods instead of having two respective bowls.

TailTalk by Husky Design
The design is intuitive for pets and their owners, both sides of the liner can be used by simply flipping it over. The shallow side holds the wet food, while the deeper side is intended for dry food. In this way the bowl prevents odor and minimizes bacterial growth. The simple design is effective in avoiding food waste and keeping the space hygienic which is healthy for your pets too. To keep the space clean during the meal, the bowl has a gap between the inner and outer shells, which works as an anti-overflow tank.

TailTalk by Husky Design
Another benefit of the clever bowl is that it helps your cat avoid whisker fatigue. Cat’s whiskers are extremely sensitive and can become easily fatigued by unnecessary contact with the sides of bowls. To prevent whisker fatigue, cat’s food bowls should be low, shallow and wide – exactly like TailTalk.