In a way similar to the “wash me” notes you can find on dirty cars, it is about scrubbing or cleaning the dirt off the surface to make a creative statement. You don’t make any damage to the walls or cars, so it is relatively ‘harmless’ comparing to other forms of street art. There are no toxic materials used — only soap and cleaning tools. But still, the artists sometimes get arrested by the police because it is still considered to be graffiti.
Month: September 2017
Urban street installations open up a new dimension in the everyday city reality. They bring the fairy-tale, the magic and sometimes even a hint of madness to public places. It can be found in locations we least expect them to be, or follow the trotted paths of street artists. Either way, they heighten our sense of reality around us and change the way we observe the usual city landscape. Check out those marvelous street installations and get inspired for our Instagram #BEOPENUrbanPattern open call!
These days underground movements and curb trends are paradoxically becoming more of a mainstream. And guerilla art might be a good example.
Leaving anonymous art pieces in public places, where everyone (or at least the most mindful ones) can see it and, possibly, engage in some action with it, is now becoming a much more powerful creative tool than finding your way through galleries. It started out in 1980’s as a response to the take-over of public spaces by commercial interests. It is not only about installing your art on the streets but also making subtle (or bold) statements, an attempt to change the reality. It can be a graffiti, a sticker and flyer art, notes and bookcrossing, even letters to strangers or some objects installed or left behind. It can be politically motivated, or just poetic or strange. Check out these great examples of guerilla art to find inspiration to take a better look around your city environment… or, maybe, create something alike yourself.
Dear friends! Let us invite you to take part in our new #BEOPENUrbanPattern open call on Instagram.
Do you have your very favorite place in your city? Do you see the magic beyond the urban bustle? Share your vision of urban patterns with us to connect with other creative spirits around the globe and… to possibly win €300!
Capture urban surfaces and patterns on camera and post it on Instagram with the tag #BEOPENUrbanPattern. And now take a look at a few of marvelous entries we have received by now: